Thursday, July 21, 2011

Have You Ever Just KNOWN?

I have been having a lot of health issues with my girly bits, and my doctor has come to the conclusion that the first step in helping will be to remove my IUD. I am having some very strange thoughts about this, and the most prominent is that I just KNOW that any other birth control will fail and I will become pregnant again, which is the absolute WORST thing that could happen right now. Sure, DJ and I would love to have a little girl some day, but now is just not that time.

So the doc suggests (based on my "age"... because you know, I'm like 90...) that I would benefit from the Depo shot. Sure, it will probably stop my periods all together, but I will probably gain a good 60 pounds, all of which I worked REALLY hard last summer to lose...

I could try the pill, but I would probably forget to take it and wind up pregnant, and then I would feel REALLY shitty because it would be MY fault! I sure don't forget to take my Percocet or Xanax, so why would I forget my oral contraceptive? Simple: Murphy's law. What can go wrong will go wrong.

So, next week, or whenever my body decides to stop being a blood gushing, geyser wanna-be, I will go have a pap and have the ParaGard that has been both a blessing and a curse taken out of my uterus and hope that I don't wind up knocked up again..... Wish me luck!